by Guest Blogger | Oct 24, 2023 | DSWA Coaching Program
Is Coach School worth it? That is the question I posed to my mentor 7 years ago when contemplating attending my first Coach Excellence School. At this time, I was a few years into running my direct sales business and was not where I wanted to be. I remember my...
by The DSWA | May 8, 2023 | DSWA Coaching Program
Completing the Advanced Coach School and earning the certification has been an incredible journey into self-discovery. I learned so many things about my personality and how to best work with others while being aware of my strengths and limitations. I began this course...
by The DSWA | Mar 1, 2023 | DSWA Coaching Program
It is important to understand that every result in your business, whether it is a desired or an undesirable result, stems from a belief you have. Whether factual or a story you have told yourself (based on an experience or interaction, good or otherwise), whether a...
by The DSWA | Feb 27, 2023 | DSWA Coaching Program
For as long as I could remember, my first response to anything was introspection. Or to put it simply, the examination of my own mental, emotional, or physical processes. Growing up I always believed that anytime there was conflict, I was the one at fault. So, by...
by The DSWA | Jan 3, 2023 | DSWA Coaching Program
“How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.” For as long as I can remember I have had an “all in or all out” mentality. I’m either going to accomplish what I have set out to do or I’m going to try because I’ve already made up my mind that I won’t be able to do...
by The DSWA | Nov 22, 2022 | DSWA Coaching Program
I must admit that I had always been a bit biased when it came to coaching and coaches. As an individual who considered counseling as a profession, I believed counselors and coaches were very different. The two fields have blurred and coaches often “counsel” and work...