Bookkeeping Is Necessary!!

Bookkeeping Is Necessary!!

Often seen as a necessary evil, bookkeeping often takes hours of time for the business owner. This typically boring and tedious task, when neglected can cause the downfall of many home business owners! Bookkeeping, as mundane as it may appear, is actually the secret...

Have A Business Power Hour!

We’ve all had those days that just seem to drag on and on. Days when you seem to be working, but you never get anything accomplished. For some entrepreneurs, those days are rare, but inevitable. However, for many people in the direct sales business, those lagging,...
7 Reasons To Write A Business Plan

7 Reasons To Write A Business Plan

As a follow up on ouor previous post on why have a business plan here are 7 more reasons to incorporate a plan into your home business! 7 More Reasons To Write A Business Plan There really are unlimited reasons why every business should have a business plan! A...
Why Have A Business Plan?

Why Have A Business Plan?

Now is the time to start working on your 2018 business plan… Many ask why have a business plan? A business plan can either be designed as a formal proposal to lenders when seeking financing, or it can be a written outline that details the strategic plan of your...
Tax Tip:  Hiring for Your Business

Tax Tip: Hiring for Your Business

If you have others working for you in your business who are not your children, they can either be considered an employee or an independent contractor. If you hire someone as an ‘Employee’, you are thereby considered an ‘Employer’ and you will incur expenses beyond the...