Recruiting should be a key component of your sales and marketing plan. Oftentimes, you can do this easily and effectively through the customers you already have, which makes the process that much more lucrative in the long run.

If customers and the show hostess keep coming back, that means they are satisfied. Satisfied customers are usually eager to pass along their satisfaction and will talk up their own success to others in an effort to recruit them. This will work in your favor because it will mean more recruits for you. Your hostess and happy customers are your best source of referrals.

Give Host Packets For Recruiting

One great way to expand your recruiting efforts is to leverage your host packets for both live shows and catalog sales. By making up a more comprehensive information packet for

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Instead of just giving catalog or live hosts just plan catalogs to circulate, give them a packet of information.

This packet should include: your business card, a brochure and either a mini- or full-sized catalog. You can also include any promotional information pertaining to current specials or even some samples if you desire, order instructions and really stand out recruiting information.

The packet serves several purposes. First, the business card establishes a means of contact. Those who talk to your customers will be able to give them a way to get in touch with you. The brochure will fill them in on all the information they need to know to get started in the home party plan business themselves. This is really the sales pitch of the recruiting process because the brochure will provide a summary of what they can expect and why they will want to get started right away.

The catalog will show them what products are available and give them something they can show to others. Even if it is a mini catalog it will contain some of the latest products and will give an accurate overall depiction of the product line and the envelop serves as a place to hold the money too.

Once you have made up the packets, you can begin giving them to your hosts, with instructions to hand them to people who might be interested in either ordering products or better yet, signing up for the business. Keep in mind that just because someone is only interested in ordering products now, that doesn’t mean she or he won’t want to sign up later. The idea is to create interest, or rather a buzz that will make others want to become involved.

Once the packets have been handed out, your customer will likely begin receiving phone calls from interested parties with orders. So, give her the words to say in regard to the recruiting literature. “Did you look at the flier on creating income from home? If you would like more information my consultant would give you a call and explain more details.”

The more packets the hosts hand out for order gathering, the more it will increase the opportunities for recruits. This is a great way to grow your business and will also help turn customers into entrepreneurs.

Recruiting through referrals for your home party business is easy when you have an effective presentation and remember to share the opportunity with all of your customers. Home party plan show organization makes it easy to focus on recruiting.

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