DSWA Coach Excellence® School

You don’t need all the answers for your team, just the right empowering questions!

What’s the key to success in our business? Retention. And Coaching is the #1 retention tool! Learn how top performers in our profession are applying the DSWA’s Coaching philosophy to multiply the size of their organizations, exponentially increase sales, and profoundly improve retention.

  • Personal and team sales increased by 20 – 350% within 6 months.
  • Appointments and introductions to the business more than doubled within 3 months.
  • Individuals experienced a dramatic increase in leadership title advancement — 1 to 6 levels.

The Coach Excellence Program delivers the best mediums for coach training: in-classroom facilitation, one-on-one coaching practice, group coaching sessions and follow-up support from faculty. Our vision is to equip leaders, executives, and professionals with coaching skills that empower direct sellers to achieve their dreams. The DSWA Coach Excellence® School is based on the world-renowned DSWA Principle-Centered Coaching® system that has been proven effective for more than a decade. This course has been designed and continues to be enhanced by master coaches, direct selling coaches and professionals.


Why DSWA Coach Excellence® School? Because it works! We encourage you to listen to dozens of success stories from our wonderful students.

“All of the training and coaching that I have received from the DSWA and Coach Excellence School has been fun, interactive and invaluable.

As a former teacher, I appreciated and recognized the holistic approach to training (utilizing auditory, kinesthetic and visual learning styles). This created an environment for greater comprehension and ability to apply the skills in my personal and business life almost immediately. The workbooks and audio/video trainings are exceptional.

With my goal to become a better listener and communicator I appreciated immersion, practice and real-life situations throughout the virtual training. The benefits to my business, community, family and friends is already obvious and priceless.

With so many opportunities through DSWA and Coach Excellence School with the DSWA App, Social Media, books, audio programs, classes and coaching, I believe I will continue to improve in all areas of my life.

As a life-long student I can say with a grateful heart that few programs have impacted my thinking, myself, family and business like the DSWA Coach Excellence School.”

— Barbara W. • Top Sales Director in Leading Direct Selling Company

“Advanced Coach School raised my skills up a notch. The class elevated my Active Listening skills so that I am not only hearing what is being said and formulating my response but focusing on the totality of the person as I read between lines. The quality of questions I ask helps me bring my client to a breakthrough faster than before. My questions become more intentional to move my clients to take action faster. I am more grounded in my emotions, focus and Intentions during conversations with my clients as I become better at active listening.”

— Bunmi Ajibade • DSWA Certified Coach and Lead Consultant for Clarole.com

“Thanks to both of you and your staff for this life changing experience in the DSWA Coach Excellence Express. My husband really wasn’t looking forward to the school because he didn’t think he needed it or he would benefit from it. I’m so glad he said yes and we were both able to receive this “gift”. It was such a meaningful, fulfilling and transformational week benefiting us both in business and our personal relationships. It was not just good, not just great, it was WOW! I feel like I have had cataract surgery on my life and now I can see with so much more clarity and vision.”

— Linda M. • AVON Executive Leader

“I’m probably more proud of the recent accomplishment of completing the Advanced DSWA Coach Excellence School than even my college degree! Probably because what I’ve learned through this Advanced Level of Coaching Certification has allowed me to significantly impact more people eternally both in AND out of the business!”

— Mary Gronholz • Senior Sales Director in a Leading Direct Selling Company

“I want to personally thank you from the bottom of my gracious heart for the DSWA Coach Excellence School. This has been an INCREDIBLE seminar year of not only success, but breaking belief barriers. It was for sure due to your amazing coaching school and staff! I can’t wait to retake both levels again. Once again, thank you!”

— Cheryl Riead • Senior Sales Director at a Leading Direct Selling Company


Coach School Express (Level 1)

If you are a direct selling leader with a desire to enhance your coaching skills for better retention and increased productivity, Coach School Express is for you. This program will uplift your relationships and re-energize your business. Learn an effective coaching system, network with peers and receive one-on-one mentoring. Coaching is the best way to support a new team member to get started right and establish a healthy, thriving, long-term business.

Express Curriculum

  • What is Coaching – The Difference Between Training & Coaching
  • Self-Coaching
  • Applying DISC to Determine Behavioral Styles
  • Empowering and Powerful Questions
  • DSWA Heart-Centered Listening
  • Compassionate Feedback
  • Agreed Action and Accountability
  • ICU Acknowledgement
  • Leadership Development
  • Discovering the Emotional Why

Advanced Coach School (Level 2)

The pre-requisite for this course is that you have graduated from the DSWA Coach Excellence School® Express (Level 1) program.

We are thrilled to invite you to participate in the one-of-a-kind Advanced Coach School. This is your opportunity to further develop your coaching skills through experiential learning, practice applying advanced methods of coaching, and have your coaching proficiency assessed by a Certified Coach.

Advanced Curriculum

You will expand your coaching skills with the following curriculum:

  • Enlightened Vocabulary
  • Establishing Rapport
  • Working with Empathy & Silence
  • Creating SMART Goals
  • Shifting Paradigms Using Distinctions
  • Finding the Emotional Why Review
  • Facilitation
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Understanding Behavioral Styles Under Stress
  • Coaching Competency Observation
  • Coaching Proficiency Exercises

Each participant is required to master three important proficiencies:

  • Finding the Emotional Why
  • Powerful Questions
  • Compassionate Feedback

During the event, Students engage in individual and small group role play to implement Advanced Coaching techniques using real coaching scenarios.  Students are then observed by Faculty to ensure they’ve mastered each area.

After the event, you receive:

  • 6 months of Group Coaching Calls (2 required to complete the course). This is a huge value as coaching calls typically cost $75-$150 per session.
  • Students that need to revisit a proficiency will be given the opportunity to retake the proficiency by phone after they’ve had more time to practice the technique.

Coach School Certification (Level 3)

The pre-requisite for this course is that you have graduated from the DSWA Coach Excellence® School Express (Level 1) and Advanced (Level 2) programs.

The Certification program is for those interested in Coaching Direct Selling Executives, Independent Direct Sellers, and Leaders. You will learn how to offer business coaching services and be compensated as a professional coach.

Certification Curriculum

You will develop your coaching competencies with the following curriculum:

  • Coaching Using Intuition
  • Coaching Presence
  • Helping the Client Get Unstuck
  • Coaching using SWOT Analysis
  • Questioning with Well-Formed Outcomes
  • Using Professional Coaching Forms (provided)
  • Discovery Coaching Sessions with Results
  • Three Proficiency Assessments with a Certified Coach

Each participant is required to master three important proficiencies:

  • Heart-Centered Listening
  • Shifting Paradigms
  • Challenging

During the event, Students engage in individual and small group role play to implement Advanced Coaching techniques using realistic coaching scenarios.  Students are then observed by Faculty to ensure they’ve mastered each area. After the sessions conclude, course requirements consists of group coaching, individual mentor coaching, and a short essay. (see below)

After the event, you receive (all included with registration):

  • 6 months of Group Coaching Calls (4 required to complete the course). This is a huge value as Group Coaching Calls typically cost $75-$150 per session.
  • 2 One-Hour, One-on-One Mentor Coaching Calls (required). You will be paired with one of our Coach School Faculty who will mentor you on how to become a professional coach or to grow your success as a leader.
  • Opportunity to have a short open-ended essay published on DSWA.org.
  • Featured spot on the DSWA App as a DSWA Certified Coach (post graduation).
  • Certificate of Completion.
  • DSWA Certification seal (electronic).

Note: All Group Coaching hours and Mentor coaching hours are logged and can be used toward the ICF (International Coach Federation) Accreditation in Coaching.



For information on special pricing for private company coach schools, please contact us at coach@dswa.org or 808-230-2427.

Prior to registering, we encourage you to review the DSWA Coach Excellence® School Policies.

Meet Our Wonderful DSWA Coach Excellence® School Faculty