Everyone in business knows that time is in short supply.

There is never enough time in a day, or a week, or a month.

When you own your own business, it is easy to spend an entire day working and feel like you have accomplished absolutely nothing. However, there are ways to squeeze more time out of the day and actually get something done.

Use Technology To Leverage Your Business Time

Time managment tipsUsing technology to leverage your time spent on business activities will help you manage your time effectively and efficiently.

Often it is the technology that takes up the time but you can use it to your advantage!

There are ways to get everything done!

When you learn how to properly leverage your time you can improve organizational efficiency and boost profits, while giving you more time for leisure, relaxation, or other business pursuits.

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Using leverage is both an art and a science.

It’s the art of designing methods to get more out of your day, and it’s the science of applying available technology to those methods effectively.

The following modifications to your work day will help you become more efficient with your time:

  • Work a business schedule for maximum use of time
  • Eliminate unnecessary activities and tasks.
  • Focus your time on the activities that bring the greatest rewards.
  • Create goals and strive to achieve them.
  • Create systems for all aspects of your business.
  • Be willing to designate work to others.
  • Utilize the services of experts as money allows.

Leverage Time

Leveraging your time with technology is all about having the right software or hardware and equipment for your needs.

Do a quick assessment of your direct sales business and look for ways that you can leverage technology to make the time you do have more productive.

  • Are you utilizing the many apps that are available on the Smartphone to stream line on the go activities?
  • Do you utilize a real PC or a laptop to move quicker on virtual tasks?
  • What other software or hard office equipment that will save you time and energy?

Proper assessment of your business needs is the key; you only need those devices that contribute to the efficient operation of your business.

Think about these two questions:

  • Where are you spending most of your work time?

If online social activities are taking too much time consider social automation for some of those activities. Consider whether you may be more efficient in the social sites if you were to perform the same tasks on a tablet or even on the PC rather than the phone?

  • Is it possible to leverage the time spent on those activities using technology?

Two good examples of technology that save you time would include voice recognition software and a document management program.

Voice recognition software has improved over the years and is perfect for those people who are slow at data entry.

Online software that manages your documents and makes them accessible anywhere you go may help to categorize and locate documents for fast retrieval.

Payroll, bookkeeping, and tax preparation or expense tracking software are additional products that save you time and help your businesses become more profitable.

Time is worth MORE than money – think about it….

How can you use the technology around you to make better use of your business time?