Effective coaching means being exactly who you are! The essence of coaching is more about who you are than anything else.

essentials of team coaching

The way you apply coach training is governed by who you are and how you appear to others.

Ghandi said “Be the change you want to see in the world.”

If you are attempting to be someone or something other than your true essential self, you are not going to connect in the most empowering way with those you contact.

Whether you are coaching your clients, your success line or your family, who you are being is intrinsic to effective interaction.

The DWSA Coach Excellence program includes training on personality styles such as DiSC. This training enables you to be in tune with your primary communication mode and, more importantly, to discern how to communicate with others.

This supports you in being in your most effective space. As you are aware of how you process, relate and react, coupled with your understanding of how others react, you are empowered for effective communication and interaction. More importantly, you are empowered to serve those who you coach in the highest possible way.

Effective Coaching Traits

Traits of effective coaches that are essential include:

  • Being neutral and non-judgmental
  • Being capable of heart-centered listening
  • Being compassionate with feedback
  • Most of all being yourself!

If you are upset, concerned, sick, or otherwise distracted, it is rather difficult to be in a space that would support effective communication.
Effective leaders
Nobody is at the top of their game 100 percent of the time. Once in a while, the most important state for your being is to rest.

The art of being simply requires your choice of who/what you aspire to be, and the shifts necessary to align with it.

Would you like to be an effective coach? Just BE who you are!!