Are you using Pinterest for direct selling? Pinterest and direct selling are a perfect match!

By now most have become totally addicted to Pinterest but are you using Pinterest for direct selling?

The concept is simple…
It is an online cork board where people post pictures and allow others to comment on and share those pictures. It is so simple and yet are you using it as another tool to promote your business?

The key with Pinterest for direct selling is just like any other social site. Create a comfortable blend of personal and business. Do not over-saturate the boards with your marketing efforts. Be a real person too.
pinterest for direct selling

Pinterest For Direct Selling

Pinterest was first created for the arts… fashion, food, design. Direct selling is a very visual business model so the art of your products fits in well with the overall concept.

Your ‘pin boards’ are each a separate bulletin board with a specific topic. Create a few for business and others for your personal life, hobbies and passions, then post regularly to all of them to attract followers in both areas.

If you have a blog or website, frequently post pages from them to your appropriate pin boards. When uploading images from your computer or devices ALWAYS make sure to link it to a page on your website.

You can promote your products by posting your dreams and aspirations for your life and your business. Some of your pins should be just simple suggestions about how life relates to your product line or your personal life and others may be more blatant marketing messages.

Pinterest For Direct Selling Examples:

  • A tasteful picture of a couple involved in a sensual massage can be used to get people asking about your line of massage oils. Remember, if the picture is interesting enough, then people will ask about it.
  • A picture of kids playing in the beach may be appropriate for natural skin care products.
  • Food pictures are wildly popular as is home decorating, so a board with those types may be great at marketing your products.
  • An entire pin board called “About”. About you or about your buysiness. Your pins would include how to reach you, other social sites, a link to your website bio page, etc.

What ever you do, do it gradually. Don’t pin 100 pins in one day. Spend about 3X a week pinning a few images. Consistency is better than volume!

Pinterest And Direct Selling Party

Fun is a key component of a direct selling party so a pin board on the FUN aspect would be good!
Deb Bixler on Pinterest
Choose product displays with people having fun. Take a lot of pictures of your guests having fun or looking at the displays and enjoying the information you are offering.

Show people laughing! When you post enough pictures of people enjoying themselves at your events, then you will develop a following of people that want to know what your company does and what is making people so happy.

Post about your different party themes.

Women Empower Women In Home Business

Your home business business is based, in part, on empowering women to take control of certain parts of their lives and maximize their experiences. Every once in a while, you should post or re-post an image that has a positive and strong statement about changing lives and empowering women.

Possibly, an entire pin board on the business opportunity and how it changes lives is appropriate!

Deb Bixler, Pinterest For Direct Selling

Check out my direct selling and healthy living pin boards by visiting Deb Bixler on Pinterst.I have been very strategic in planning my pin boards so come on over and get some ideas!

Learn more about Pinterest for direct selling at the Cash Flow Show website!

Remember not to hammer them with marketing messages. The concept is artistic and provided you can be artistic about it, it will work very well for you!