It is almost impossible to get your party plan website that your company provides you to the first page of Goggle, because it is duplicate content.
Not always, but most of the time a party plan consultant website,known as an affiliate site or sub-domain, is 100% duplicate content.
If the party plan consultant is allowed to make modifications on the site, it is usually minor and rarely on the home page.
Google hates duplicate content!
Party Plan Website Never Shows Up In Search Engines
Your home office’s website has been around longer and is the primary one that will turn up in searches.
All the affiliate sites of the 1000’s of distributors within your company are just copies.
If you want to change your results then you may want to consider blogging.
Blog Can Get Search Engine Traffic To Party Plan Consultant Site
When a party plan consultant starts a blog in their niche then they have a chance to show up in Google because they can blog and provide valuable content that people are looking (searching) for in the search engines.
- If your company sells jewelry, purses or clothing, your blog could be about fashion tips. You could write an article on coordinating your jewelry with your clothes or selecting a hand bag to match your dress.Then when someone Googles ‘fashion jewelry’ or ‘hand bags to coordinate’ you may show up because of your unique content.
- If you sell kitchen tools or spices and natural foods, you can offer tips on cooking mealtime solutions and recipes.An article about getting in and out of the kitchen with a 10-minute dinner or healthy pizza may deliver someone to your blog that Googled ‘fast recipes’ or ‘healthy pizza recipe.’
Party Plan Blog-Online Corporate Policy
Setting up and maintaining a party plan blog in your niche really is the way to get traffic to your affiliate party plan website. It also gives you great content to stream into the social sites!
Learn more about how to pick a topic and get started in party plan blogging at Deb’s Cash Flow Show website:
Before you start though, make sure you check out your company policy on blogging.
The rules that your company set up are to protect the corporate brand and that is in your best interest too!
Blogging is a commitment that is ongoing. If you are considering blogging, then you are embarking on a new and exciting phase of your business.
Like everything else in the business world, it will take a commitment.