Direct sellers are usually provided an affiliate website. When your company provides you with a web site or the opportunity to set up a website within their sub-domain, you should take full advantage of it.

Replicated sites or affiliate sites, although rarely search engine friendly, can be a cash flow generator in your direct sales business.

When you market your affiliate or company website at your shows, with snail mail, email and on all the literature that you send out as well as during your daily affairs you will increase you monthly commission.  You can use your company site to increase show average, as well as develop an online stream of income.

It is difficult to attain search engine ranking for an affiliate site because an affiliate site is a sub-site of the main site.finalsgreenworld-691

The search engines rarely “crawl” through sub-sites so most of the time you must rely on your off-line and social sit efforts to generate sales.  Read another DSWA article on why your company website is not SEO friendly!

Get A Domain Redirect

One way to make it easier to market your direct sales replicated site is to have an address URL that is easier to type and easier to say. With your own unique URL it is easier to brand yourself in the social sites as well as drive qualified buyers offline to your online site.

If you sell candles your URL to your company sponsored site maybe something like:

When you  buy your own domain it can be an address that is easier to use and remember. It may go something like this:

Then you can have it forwarded to your company sponsored site through a redirect or a forwarder which is easy to set up in the admin section of where you bought the domain.

A domain that is easy to say at your shows or when telling hosts over the phone will increase sales. It is easy for guests to remember and easy to type in also.

Web Orders = Easy To Say Domain Offline

When you have an easy to say direct sales domain name you can say it offline more often to generate web orders. You can use it in:

  • host coaching
  • during your show
  • at the store
  • anywhere

An Inexpensive Way To Increase Sales

At GoDaddy you can pick up an easy to say, type and remember domain for less than $15 per year!

Then it is simple to say: “Just go to:”

It is one of the most affordable investments that you will make in your business and it will definitely increase sales. Make sure you pick one that is going to give you the most bang for your buck. Learn more about picking a good domain name.

Who knows…. someday you may decide you want to be a blogger then you will have the perfect domain name in hand already!

Visit Deb’s Cash Flow Show website to learn more about why party plan distributors should blog and how to pick a blog topic.