Do you really make your connections count?
Do you make sure when you connect with people it’s in a meaningful way?
Not superficially with ‘hi how are you, how’s the weather’ type conversations but something deeper and more meaningful?
Make your conversations a place where you truly get to know each other.
Make Your Connections Count!
Some of the things to think about so you can make connections count are;
1. How can you be of service?
Everyone has something to offer to someone else. So what can you help people with? It may have nothing to do with business. It may be that they’re talking about needing a good plumber, or having a bad back, or in need of a caterer for a party. Who do you know, what do you know and how can you help?
2. Be willing to have tough conversations.
It’s not all about smooth sailing in any of our relationships in life and nor is it with business connections.
Sometimes you have to be willing to walk though the conflict together, to have the uncomfortable conversation and come out stronger and closer for it.
Be There, Care & Share
Being there is about being present and in the moment with people.
Caring is about finding the part of you that is like them, having empathy and understanding as you put yourself in their shoes.
Sharing is about being vulnerable and opening up, as when you share who you are. It gives others permission to do the same. Share a part of you, a conversation, moment or an experience with someone.
I think our words are one of the most beautiful gifts we can give to others, so try to make every connection count.
As Zig famously said: if you help enough people get what they want, then you will get everything you want in life.