One of the keys to motivating a team is to encourage strong communication.

There are several elements of communication that you must keep in mind as you work to bring your team closer together.

Remember that communication between your sales team members is just as important as the communication to your customers.

Brainstorming  Encourage Strong Communication

When you are motivating a team toward success, there is no such thing as a bad question. Something that may seem insignificant to you could wind up being the very thing that inspires your new sales professional to success.

One of the best ways to promote communication and come up with great ideas for your business is to get your team together once a week and just brainstorm. This is a form of problem solving where people just say what is on their minds and then the group determines if there is value in that statement or not.

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Good brainstorming will encourage your sales professionals to constantly think of new ideas, and it will also promote effective communication. You will find out later that some of your associates were contacting each other after the meeting to discuss ideas. That is when you know that you have encouraged effective communication.

Create Good Channels Of Communication

Effective communication comes from developing the proper channels for your sales professionals to use when they have something to say.
Sometimes an idea is best discussed between you and an associate privately before it is brought up to the group. There may also be cases where an idea is best discussed between associates before brought to you or the group.

You should encourage all kinds of communication and endorse it when it happens.

When you are brainstorming, anything goes.

Effective communication is the glue that keeps a strong team together. You and your organization should work to create open channels of communication, and then learn how to use those channels to solve business issues and move the business forward. Nothing is more important to the success of your company than effective communication.