By Michelle Medeiros

In early 2013, after attending a first course towards coaching certification, I decided, “This is it. This is the path for me.” But, when the additional courses required for certification were not offered in my home state as anticipated, that plan faded in priority.

In mid-2014, as a friend described the promise of a company’s products and the direct business model, BAM! I recognized direct sales as a perfect vehicle to incorporate coaching.

Powered by enthusiasm, I initially did well in my first few months as a direct sales representative. However, there was ironically little, if any, coaching involved. Instead, I was so eager to help my friends live their better lives, I confidently told them about the magical powers of my products.
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I hit a wall within a few months as my shine began to tarnish. I was afraid of “bothering” my customers or being perceived as pushy. Without my follow up, customers were not returning on their own. My confidence plummeted even further when a few customers requested refunds.

Inspired To Coach

Thankfully, the DSWA and an opportunity to receive coaching entered my life in early 2016. Through a series of group coaching calls, I remembered, again, the call to serve via the coaching path.

Through the coaching I have received, and participating in DSWA Coach Excellence School, I have:

  • witnessed and experienced the positive results of coaching applied to prospecting, visioning, customer service, and customer support aspects of direct sales
    developed my vision for my life
  • developed my authentic voice to connect and serve others
  • embraced the service aspect of sales
  • developed my self-coaching skills which continually moves me forward

Imagine wandering around blindfolded and feeling comfortably familiar with the terrain. When the blindfold is lifted, the richness of the terrain and new territory is revealed. That is my experience of coaching: every experience of coaching has moved my life forward in a refreshing way.

That is my desire for others.

Guest Blogger, Michelle Medeiros

Michelle serves people who want to clarify their vision for their physical and financial health, explore and identify strategies to support the unfolding of their vision, and take action. To reach Michelle and learn more about the services and products she shares, please email her at

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