Public Speaking Will Bring You FREE Leads

One of the reasons I was able to replace my full time job with my direct sales business in only 9 months, was because of my willingness to offer myself as a public speaker.

Area clubs, churches and social organizations are always looking for FREE speakers.

MLM and network marketers are always looking for FREE leads.

It is a win-win situation.public-speaking

Every time you speak to a group on any topic you will find people who want your services. Usually one out of 10 in the audience will have an interest in one of your services.

Public speaking can be a source of unlimited business.

Are You Really Afraid Of Public Speaking?

It is surprising how many home party distributors say they are afraid of public speaking. In direct sales you are public speaking every time you do a show or sales presentation.

The experience of speaking to a larger audience is not that much different.

Develop Speaking Topics

To get started, think about your skills, passions, and hobbies. Make a list of about 10 under each topic.

The subjects on the list do not have to be related to your business. Even if you speak about topics unrelated to your business you will still get leads. Speakers always get to tell their story or bio and that is where you weave in your business.

Next pick out 3 topics you would like to speak on and write a snappy speech title for each. Do not worry about what you will say for each speech. That will come later.

Start Calling Groups

It is time to start making calls. You are offering your services as a free speaker. You have 3 terrific speeches so just start dialing!

Create a routine of making a certain amount of calls every day. Even if it is just one or two calls a day, when you do so every day it will add up!!

It will not take long to fill your calendar. You will schedule engagements and at those events you will find leads for your network marketing business.
Plan Your Speech

Once your first speaking engagement is dated, that is when you create your speech. If you create all of your speeches ahead of time you may not sell any of them as you may find other needs that you can serve. Wait until someone picks the topic, then do the speech.

Public Speaking Means Unlimited Leads

Wow! Unlimited FREE Leads! It is like a network marketer’s dream come true.

Visit the Deb’s website the Cash Flow Show website for a more in depth conversation on how to get started in public speaking.

After a while you may have such a full calendar between, speaking engagements and your business schedule, you may just be able to start charging for your speaking engagements. WOW! Now you are getting paid for FREE leads!

There is really no excuse for not having enough business.