Networking MeetUp groups can be extremely helpful and even profitable and they are FREE. is not just for fun, there are many business groups as well.

Constant networking for new clients and finding new associates to keep your client base fresh is what it takes to be a direct sales success.

Networking MeetUp Groups

A breakfast or lunch meet-up is a group of business professionals that meet for a meal or just coffee and conversation to discuss their businesses with each other. It is a casual environment that can be extremely conducive to the kind of business that you do.
meet up groups
Remember that your home party business is based on an informal setting and an energetic presentation. There are several reasons why these informal lunch meet-ups can be the ideal place to find new clients and book new events.

They often give you the chance to do impromptu product demonstrations that could get many people interested in your events.

Frequently the format of the Meetup is to allow each member equal time promoting their products or services.

Usually, several members are featured each week as well as many opportunities for you to share your information on a more personal one on one level as well.

Focused Conversation = Good Booking Leads

Everyone may not be an ideal booking lead but they usually know someone who is. is ideal for a direct selling business is because everyone at those events is there to talk business. As long as you are open to hearing about other people’s companies, they will be more than willing to hear what you have to say. Generally, it is expected that each member refers the ideal clients to the next member as they meet them out and about between the meetings.

The idea of this being a business networking event prevents you from having to worry about finding ways to start conversations about your business. You just need to have your business summary pitch ready to go and be prepared to speak to an audience that is interested in what you have to say.

Mix Business And Personal Information

Even though it is a business function, a business meet-up still has a casual feel to it that makes conversation more comfortable and accessible. When you are trying to find new business, it is always helpful to find out what people like and any personal information that will help you determine if they would be good event hosts.

Just go to and search for business groups to see all the options open for networking at MeetUp groups.

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