Many people turn to direct sales in order to gain some sort of control over their finances. Some are attracted to the autonomy, others the social aspect of the business.
One thread that runs through any successful direct sales business is understanding and mastering networking.
We are always told that we can market our business everywhere. These 2 tips will help turn that casual conversation into a lead.
Turn A Casual Conversation Into A Lead
Successful direct sales consultants always listen more than they talk.
The age-old sales adage is still true. We have two ears and one mouth because we should be listening twice as much as we talk. Many people feel they are doing a great job because they “got their point across” or they “talked the prospect into” a purchase.
Most of the time, your prospect does not care about what you have to say.
Most direct sellers talk too much!
As important as product knowledge and sales skills are, they do not matter to your prospect (not yet, anyway).
People are speaking to you because they have a problem. They want you to listen to their problem and offer solutions.
For example, a mother who has too many leftovers and is complaining about throwing away food could be telling you that she is a prime candidate to purchase plastic storage containers or she could be the ideal new distributor.
You would not know that without asking questions, engaging your prospect in conversation, and being attentive.
I call it the 10 second rule…
Share for 10 seconds and end in a question!
Listen more than you talk and you will create more opportunities to market your business to individuals who will be truly receptive.
Sales Means To Serve
The kiss of death for any sales business is to be more concerned with your profits than with your prospect’s problems.
A good direct seller focuses on serving the needs of others!
Of course you got into the direct sales business to make money. That doesn’t mean that profit should be your primary motivation. People can smell desperation. Reign in your desire to make money and focus on helping your customer.
Listen!! How can you serve the person standing in front of you!
To do this, you need to establish rapport. One way to turn a casual conversation into a lead is to take a genuine interest in what the other person has to say.
Inevitably, the other person will start to feel that you are a good listener. By not pushing your agenda you avoid coming off as “salesy” and you can wait until you have gathered enough information and the timing is right to segue into questions that will lead towards a sale or an appointment.
Direct Sales Business Leads
Turn those casual conversations into leads by focusing on service and not talking too much!!
Learn more about the 10 second rule on the Cash Flow Show website so that you can engage people that you run into during the course of your daily routine.
When you master the art of conversation, you will be able to generate leads at the grocery store, while banking, and even at the gym. Focusing on the other person allows you to listen to clues they may give about their lifestyle and situation that will help you market your business.
This is a very good sales tactic. After reading this article I wanted to try this out and 2 out of three times I had success.