Laurie Staiert is a graduate of the DSWA Coach Excellence program and has earned the right to put the initials CBC after her name as a WABC Certified Business Coach!

Laurie submitted this testimonial after her DSWA coach training.

Laurie Wrote

I look at the Coach Excellence Program as a gift. I thought it came into my life as an accident.

Since attending, I’m led to believe it happened for a purpose–a planned purpose–and coach school was a blessing. I am a different person since attending. I communicate with people daily, never with negative intentions (although I am sometimes a little rushed from my pace of life and don’t connect with theirs).

I came into the program feeling unsure of my ability to hear and be heard by others as I intended.

Coaching Program For Direct Sellers

Coaching ProgramWith the skills from coach school and the experience of being personally coached, I have been able to have difficult conversations without feeling personally attacked and defensive. I am more aware of my word choices and tones as I connect with others since becoming familiar with the coach approach.

I have learned how to disconnect from the outcome, holding the person as whole and complete. They aren’t broken and I don’t need to fix them.

Letting go of the outcome has allowed me to control what I can control and experience the peace and joy found in my empowerment zone.
DSWA Coach Excellence School Banner

Do I always play in that zone?

No, unfortunately, I’m not perfect. What has happened is that I’ve become more aware of the times I’m not in my empowerment zone and the awareness allows me to make corrections more quickly. I’m learning to slow down to speed up.

DSWA coaching

Sitting in the classroom that first day of the Coach Excellence class, I had a Blinding Flash of the Obvious—a BFO! I began to realize how much I did NOT know about coaching. I have been in the Direct Selling arena for over 23 years, both building a field organization and on the corporate side of the business.

After that many years of success and business cycles, I tended to believe that I can connect with people. I learned quickly that first day that I was a novice in this coaching business and had a great deal to learn.

I’m a work in progress and will be for the remainder of my life.

I have always been an avid reader of self -development books, magazines and etc. This class has taken that discovery to a new level and let me see a whole new world of available resources.

The realization that I was a work in progress was both humbling and gratifying. Humbling because I still had so much to learn about the business of connecting and communicating. Gratifying because I could reinvent myself and learn to be a better leader by practicing the principles that were shared.