by Jacqueline McGrath | Sep 29, 2011 | DSWA Coaching Program
Direct Sales Business Coach Excellence Throughout my life, I have been called Barbara Walters because I am so curious of others. Questions always seemed easy and natural. Add to that my career in running my direct sales business for over 13 years and what I have...
by Jacqueline McGrath | Sep 7, 2011 | DSWA Coaching Program
Through coaching training I discovered that I am a better coach when I avoid making assumptions about what the client wants. Assumptions cost time, misunderstandings and money. I discovered that I do not need the answers; I just need the right questions. I need to be...
by Jacqueline McGrath | Aug 16, 2011 | DSWA Coaching Program
I was learning so much and with each DSWA coaching class, webinar, coach mentoring call and coaching call. I was soaking up tips, techniques and questions to equip me to be a better coach. The DSWA Coach Excellence program is now open for enrollment for the October...